Our Team

Brooke Porter

Brooke Porter (she/they) is a seed sower, agroecologist, and visual storyteller, committed to cultivating relationships of reciprocity with the land and communities. Through a process of interweaving the social, ecological, and political dimensions of agroecology, she actively works to create regenerative farming systems rooted in ancestral practices and collective healing. She uses her ability to speak Portuguese, Spanish, and English, to strengthen a movement for food sovereignty, popular education, and land justice throughout the Americas. Brooke has worked as a public school educator in the Bay Area, teaching youth agroecology, natural building, herbal medicine making, and earth science. She holds a Master of Science in Agroecology from the Norwegian University of Life Sciences in conjunction with Spain’s Universidad de Córdoba. Brooke serves as the Director of Agroecology and Education for AC programming.